
Frost At Midnite is my sanctuary of a sort. It is primarily a place where I vent out whatever comes to my mind. You will find some humour, some rants, some reviews, and some poetry among others. Mostly these are posts that I think show what my view of the world and everything in it is.

As is obvious from the various tabs on the blog, I like to review books, food amongst other things. For any enquiries or suggestions, please get in touch using the contact form on the Say Hello! tab.

As for me, I am Jayasree Bhargavan. If I were to describe myself it would be with adjective-noun combinations like this – Qualified Engineer, Efficient Procrastinator, Accomplished Daydreamer, Voracious Reader, Evolvable Gourmand – amongst others. And since we are on a blog, obviously, I am also a blogger by choice.

You can find out more in the “I am elsewhere as well” section in the sidebar.