Week In Review | Week 44 | Frost At Midnite

Week In Review – Week 45, 2018

The week that went by was epic on many many levels. First, we Diwali on Tuesday. Which meant, since Friday the country, on the whole, went on a sugar high. And spent this past weekend regretting and making for it.

Then this Saturday was my birthday. Which meant the day was awesome as usual. I also ate a lot of food. I gave my family a birthday treat from Fatoosh, and my sister treated me to a pizza and chilli cheese nachos yesterday. In preparation for Diwali, I had also made some achappams and shakkarapara. Snack time during the week was great.

My cousin has flown down from the US to visit her parents and it was great talking to her after ages. Overall this past week was great for me.

I also made a massive progress on my present crochet project. I still ways to go but it’s already grown to over 10 inches. I intend to finish that off in the coming days. That drive is primarily because I have new, pristine white yarn. Delicate enough for a doily. Yay!!!

I did not go out walking or workout at all. Did I tell you it was the Diwali week? Which means smoke and dust and chemical fumes are the norms. So I stayed indoors and ditched my workouts. I need to get back to it starting today.

Then there is the blogging challenge I took up. So far so good. I have not been the most consistent, but I have tried my best. I am just realising I cannot be moved to write on a Sunday. Maybe next year, I shall challenge myself to write for a half hour every Sunday, but not at present.

That is about all that I have to write about. Hope you have a great week ahead!