Book Review – Takeout Sushi by Christopher Green

Takeout Sushi by Christopher Green is a wonderful collection of seventeen short stories that can be savoured by the reader.

I do not like sushi. May be I haven’t really had the authentic, but nonetheless, I do not like it. What do bite-sized delicate looking morsels of food have to entice me? And takeout and sushi seem like a really bad culinary decision. However, Takeout Sushi as a literary choice was a good one, if not great!

Seventeen short stories, each one-upping the other, are thoroughly delectable making Christopher Green’s first outing in fiction a remarkable one. A collection of short stories can often miss the mark when it comes to enticing the reader. Keeping them turning pages, making them come back for more is more difficult than with a full novel. Once those few pages are done, we leave behind those characters, the experience. Then it is onto the next. Sometimes, it becomes too much.

Christopher Green’s Takeout Sushi does remarkably well in that regard. It kept me hooked. I loved each tale and its characters. Snippets of life wonderfully portrayed with words. Then I wanted more. I wanted to know who I was meeting in the next page, what was their little story. The enthusiasm of reading a short story – that experience was delivered in full thanks to Christopher Green’s writing.

The writing and characters of all stories were good. If I am being contradictory, it was like sushi. Little morsels, wonderfully packaged. I know I enjoyed it, but it did not pack a punch like a bowl of ramen would. I savoured it with every bite. I did not devour it like I would ramen. Dear reader, I do not know if you can empathise with that analogy, but it seems to be the best I could come up with.

I liked Takeout Sushi for the delivering on all that it promised. It proved to be an enjoyable read. One I would definitely recommend!

Frost At Midnite, A Blog by Jayasree Bhargavan

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